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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand ZTE
Model F6005v3
CPU ZTE ZX279133@Dual-Core A53
CPU Clock 1200MHz
Chipset ZTE ZX279133
Flash 128 MB (SPI NAND FM25S01A)
RAM 128 MB
System Customized Linux by ZTE
2.5GBaseT Yes
Optics SC/APC
IP address
Web Gui ✅ user admin, password admin or defined by ISP
Telnet 1
Serial 2
Form Factor ONT
F6005v3 TIM
F6005v3 TIM
F6005v3 OpenFiber
F6005v3 OpenFiber

List of software versions

HW V3.0

  • V3.0.10P3N2 (OpenFiber)
  • V3.0.10N06 (TIM Italy) - Internal version is V3.0.10P2N6

List of partitions

HW V3.0

dev size erasesize name
mtd0 08000000 00020000 “whole flash”
mtd1 00300000 00020000 “uboot”
mtd2 00400000 00020000 “others”
mtd3 00400000 00020000 “parameter tags”
mtd4 00400000 00020000 “wlan”
mtd5 00800000 00020000 “usercfg”
mtd6 00400000 00020000 “middle”
mtd7 02a00000 00020000 “kernel1”
mtd8 02a00000 00020000 “kernel2”
mtd9 02500000 00020000 “rootfs1”
mtd10 029e0000 00020000 “rootfs2”

This ONT supports dual boot, as visible from the presence of kernel0 and kernel1, which contain the rootfs (JFFS2 read-only). The boot images can be swapped if they are the same or use the same U-Boot version. If you have a different U-Boot that was paired with the active image, do not attempt this, as it will brick the ONT, specially if TTL console is disabled.

upgradetest switchver X

Where X can be 0/1, based on the image you want to boot from.

Get current installed version for each region:

upgradetest getver

You can also clone the currently running image into the other slot using this command:


You can check currenlty running image using this command:

# cat /proc/csp/versionstates

baseaddress    : 0x1b00000
current        : 0
version1states : 0x83
version2states : 0x83
Index   Running Latest  CRC     Integrality     Type
0        Y       Y       N       Y              Upg
1        N       Y       N       Y              Upg

And check if the backup image has a valid CRC:

# upgradetest bakver
backup version crc is ok


Enable Telnet

./zteOnu -i -u admin -p admin

If Telnet is not opening, you are probably running a newer firmware, in that case change mac-address of the NIC connected to the ONT to 00:07:29:55:35:57 and use the flag --new:

./zteOnu -i -u admin -p admin --new

You should get this output and credentials to login over telnet:

ZteONU 0.0.7, built at 09/10/2024
step [0] reset factory: ok
step [1] request factory mode: ok
step [2] send sq: ok
step [3] check login auth with user: ok
step [4] enter factory mode: ok
Success authenticated with user: admin and password: admin
Telnet Credentials (!! Temporary !!)
User: 9qNBo58H
Pass: OUBToR8J

Enable console redirection

To see omcidebug messages on telnet, execute this command (just the first time of each connection):

redir printf

GPON ONU status

Getting the operational status of the ONU

To check the connection status, use the following command:

gpontest -gstate

[gpontest] gpon state is [O5] for O5 state

Getting OLT vendor information

sendcmd 132 omcidebug showmedata 131

This command will print the following output:

         ME CLASS: 131
         DB NAME: olt_g, DBHandle: 32

<-----MeID[ 0x0000,0 ], Addr[ 0x19a2b1]----->
         Vendorid:48 57 54 43
      EquipmentID:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          Version:31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00
        TimeofDay:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00

Querying a particular OMCI ME

sendcmd 132 omcidebug showmedata ID_MIB (eg. 7 for Firmware version)

This command will print the following output:

         ME CLASS: 7
         DB NAME: soft_image, DBHandle: 14

<-----MeID[ 0x0000,0 ], Addr[ 0x19a011]----->
     Is committed:01
        Is active:01
         Is valid:01

<-----MeID[ 0x0001,1 ], Addr[ 0x19a031]----->
     Is committed:00
        Is active:00
         Is valid:01

GPON/OMCI settings

Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

setmac 1 2176 ZTEG
setmac 1 2177 AABBCCDD

Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

This can be done easily via the Web UI. To do it via the shell use:

setmac 1 2181 1234567890
setmac 1 2178 1234567890

Setting ONU GPON Equipment ID

setmac 1 32770 "5::F6005V3.0:"

Check Images CRC

upgradetest bakver

backup version crc is ok

Persistent Telnet access

Needed tools:

ZTE ONU Telnet Enabler

Just run the enabled with --telnet flag to make Telnet persisten across Reboot (use --new flags and changed mac-address for newer firmware):

./zteOnu -i -u admin -p admin --telnet
ZteONU 0.0.7, built at 09/10/2024
step [0] reset factory: ok
step [1] request factory mode: ok
step [2] send sq: ok
step [3] check login auth with user: ok
step [4] enter factory mode: ok
Success authenticated with user: admin and password: admin
Permanent Telnet succeed
User: root
Pass: Zte521
Wait reboot.. or powercycle it

The ONT will reboot, and you can log in later using root\Zte521 as the credentials.

Only for firmware versions with restricted admin access

In case you want add new a admin user instead of using the embedded credentials, run these commands before rebooting the ONT:

sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Enable 1
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 User superadmin
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Pass superadmin
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Level 1
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 AppID 1
sendcmd 1 DB saveasy

Reboot the ONT and you can login to the WebUI using superadmin\superadmin as credentials with full unlocked menus.

Advanced settings

Backing up ONT partitions using hardware flasher

It’s possible to swap RAW dump between ONTs and enable access over Telnet to modify some ONT parameters.

Needed tools:

Connect all needed cable from the probe to the programmer, then attach the probe to the chip (use some rubbers to make it stable) and run this command to dump the NAND:

/SNANDer -r f6005v3_dump_X.bin

Do at least 3 dumps and compare their md5 to be sure that are good.

If you want to flash this dump to another ONT, just run these commands:

/SNANDer -e
/SNANDer -w f6005v3_dump_X.bin -v

## Changing region code

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  <span> <b>Note</b> Be aware that changing the region code may break features such as PPPoE depending on your ISP, and remove Telnet access!</span>

ZTE has created various region codes that load default values based on the local ISP. This configuration can be changed using this command:

upgradetest sfactoryconf X

Where X is the number of supported regioncode into file /etc/init.d/regioncode, here is an example from TIM V3.0.10N06 firmware:

# cat /etc/init.d/regioncode

Random notes

  • This new ONT (and probably the XGSPON version as well) has Secure Boot enabled. All headers contain an RSA key that is verified by U-Boot and the CPU (for U-Boot itself), so there’s no way to repack the rootfs to make it fully spoofable (at the moment..).
  • If your ONT is updated by the OLT (e.g., an F6005v3 OpenFiber ONT connected to a TIM OLT), the U-Boot partition will also be updated. After this update, it will no longer be possible to switch to the other partition because the signatures will not match, and TTL console is muted after U-Boot start.

Miscellaneous Links

Teardown and other photos

HW V3.0

Top of the F6005v3
Top of the F6005v3
Bottom of the F6005v3
Bottom of the F6005v3

  1. Credentials are randomly generated by ZTE ONU Telnet Enabler, they are not persistent and will change at reboot. 

  2. Serial console is read-only mode on most of U-Boot, and no output after kernel load. For OF V3.0.10P3N2 is possible after pressing ESC during the boot to access U-Boot Console.